Today I have to tell about my grand friend. What began as a connection due to loss and sadness quickly turned into the best friendship. She saw many tears, too many tears, fall from my eyes. She carefully spoke words of concern when she knew I was being told lie after lie. We created our own adventurers. We may or may not have went around the then McDonough circle square 8 times without a single other car in sight. Maybe we would leave a certain friend at a gas station every single time he went inside the store, and then drove across the divided highway and beeped the horn when he came out. Perhaps, only perhaps, did we perfect investigative skills in a stalking sort of way. Nobody quit her job after purposely getting taco bell sauce on her work shirt. Did we go get crimped hair at Shekinah's, or did we not? It may just be that we walked into a bar in our pajamas. But be sure that any other time we went somewhere we put hours into coordinating outfits.

Then we met our lifetime partners. You know those days when you sat around talking about how your husbands just had to get along. Well we got our wish! I'm sure in the early days they both just wanted us to hush sometimes (or more than sometimes). Now they could just leave us chatting and giggling and hang out without us. Winners!
Weddings. Babies. Going back to school as an adult. We've got this. My forever friend. Little old ladies laughing about the most ridiculous things.
Happy Birthday, Sabrina Karen! Doing life with you is the best. I wouldn't want to do it without you.