Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Silly Twilley Littles

The boys have recently started a new school year. First Grade and Sixth Grade. Oh my!  The previous school year was wonderfully bittersweet.  Grant had the best kindergarten teachers! Luckily for us one of them attends church with us!

This lady loves my baby and they are both Auburn fans!  Toward the end of the school year I asked Grant if he knew who loved him the most.  His answer was "mommy and Mrs. Wynn"!

The challenges Grant faced in Kindergarten were all about focus, slowing down, patience, and staying on task.  He loved learning to read.  He won the poem recitation for Kindergarten at his school and got 2nd place out of 10 elementary schools that competed together in our county.  This one is usually ready to tackle any adventure!  We made an oil blend of vetiver and cedarwood diluted with coconut oil that he applies before school.  Over the summer we began applying it again mid-afternoon.

Parker finished elementary school in May.  He was blessed to have had a teacher from 4th grade for 5th grade as well.  He may even get her again in 7th grade since she moved to the middle school he attends this year!  He would love to have her as his science teacher.  Parker has been blessed with wonderful teachers during his elementary career.  We are thankful and greatly appreciate them, the principal, and the staff.  Fifth grade for Parker included a rockstar duo of teachers!  He is in the National Jr Beta Club.  The Quiz Bowl team from his school's Beta Club won for the state and got to compete at the National Level in Nashville, TN over the summer.  It was a great experience!  He ended 5th grade with all A's.  Parker's favorite oil is peppermint which has eased the pain from occasional headaches and is invigorating.

Now my first baby has started middle school.  He will do well once he gets through the adjustment period.  He's like his momma.  Change is good, but so uncomfortable!  A little Young Living Valor over his heart each day (and usually mine) gets him (us) ready to work through whatever comes our way.

Additionally as we head back to school and work, we are using our wellness blend to support our immune systems.  It has been incredibly easy to incorporate the use of essential oils into our day to day lives.  The boys even clean their bathroom with chemical-free Young Living products from the Thieves line.  I love that they can participate in the maintenance of our home without the concerns of toxic chemicals!

We are looking forward to Grant continuing to learn in 1st grade, what middle school brings for Parker, and especially Parker's experience in Moxie (our church youth group).  We are preparing our hearts and minds for incredible growth this year!

Anything shared about Young Living essential oils are specific experiences for our family.  If you want to check them out click here